Fuji are well renown industry leaders when it comes to rod components including guides. Their guides set the standard and will stand the test of time against the elements and the usual bumps and knocks by fisherman. Fuji’s investment in research and development clearly shines through in their ability to continually produce fine components.
Among all of the aspects to a fishing rod the guide is one of the most important. Fuji’s new proprietary “Deep-Pressed” Frame technology is incorporated in the LN and MN ‘New Guide’ Concept frames for 360-degree protection against everyday bumps and dings that can cause inferior guides to fail. Fuji’s new ‘O’ Concept Guides combine deep pressed guides with their largest selling ring, the ‘O’ ring. Previously only available on more high end components, this technology is now available to everyone at any price point.
Conventional frame construction supports the ring at one point on the frame, so the ring is dependent on the frame thickness for strength. The new concept deep-pressed frame secures a ring on a thinner frame by use of a redesigned construction resulting in more than one contact point around the frame. This design reduces draw, twist and bend and saves weight through its lightness resulting in a more responsive rod.
Fuji developed this process as part of the new Guide Concept as an improvement over the traditional technique for securing rings to frames as they researched ways to protect the ring and provide a more secure hold. Deep-pressing answered their needs. It protects the entire outside edge of the ring, but also enables a full epoxy seal around the ring resulting in more surface area contact and a more secure hold.
Many companies may offer ‘locked’ rings, but FUJI invented, refined and perfected this technique to become the strongest possible. That’s why Fuji is the No 1 used and trusted brand on the market and everyone else is just following the leader.
For more information, visit www.fujitackle.com.au