Species ID
View AllBlue Threadfin
( Eleutheronema tetradactylum )

Other names
Other names
Threadie, Threadfin, Blue Salmon, Giant Threadfin, Blind Tassel-fish, Bluenose Salmon, Blunt-nosed Salmon, Burnett Salmon, Colonial Salmon, Cooktown Salmon, Fourfinger Threadfin, Rockhampton Kingfish, Rockhampton Salmon, Kingfish, Tassel-fish
How to Catch
Fast Facts
- Belong to the family Polynemidae (threadfins)
- Can grow to 2m in length
- Frequents shallow sandy and muddy habitats
- Begin life as females
- Found in Australia’s tropical waters from QLD to WA
- Popular sport fish that readily takes lures and fly
- Can be solitary or on loosely formed schools
- Good eating