Species ID
View AllBluefin Trevally
( Caranx melampygus )

Other names
Other names
Blue-fin Trevally, Blue-finned Trevally, Spotted Trevally
Fast Facts photo courtesy of Che Carson, Perth WA
How to Catch
Fast Facts

- Belong to the family Carangidae (jacks and scads)
- Can grow to 1.2cm in length
- Distinguished by it’s bright blue fins and spots
- Related to Giant Trevally (Caranx ignobilis) and Bigeye Trevally (Caranx sexfasciatus)
- Frequents reef environments, while juveniles are common in estuaries
- Found in Australia’s warmer waters from NSW to WA
- Pelagic, often solitary or in schools
- Predatory carnivore that feeds on small baitfish
- Will readily take lures and fly
- Edible