Species ID
View AllCommon Seadragon
( Phyllopteryx taeniolatus )

Other names
Weedy Seadragon, Common Sea Dragon, Lucas’ Sea-dragon, Weedy Sea Dragon, Weedy Sea-dragon
How to Catch
Fast Facts

- CAUTION: Protected species
- Is a member of the family Syngnathidae (seahorses, pipefishes, and sea dragons)
- Related to the Leafy Seadragon (Phycodurus eques)
- Can grow to 46cm in length
- Endemic to the southern waters of Australia
- Popular among divers
- Often found washed up on the beach after storms
- Classified as Near Threatened
- Males brood the eggs on the underside of their tail
- Is the marine faunal emblem of VIC
- Frequents calm water reef environments and seagrass beds
- Highly camouflaged