Species ID
View AllCrimson Snapper
( Lutjanus erythropterus )

Other names
Saddle-tailed Perch, Small-mouth Nannygai, Red Jew, Crimson Seaperch, High-brow Sea-perch, Longman’s Sea Perch, Red Bream, , Saddle-tailed Sea-perch, Small-mouth Sea-perch
How to Catch
Fast Facts
- Is a member of the family Lutjanidae (snappers)
- Can grow to 82cm in length
- Distinguishing dark blotch (saddle) on the tail wrist between the soft dorsal fin and caudal fin (tail)
- Juveniles display a dark band between the eye and first dorsal
- Found in Australia’s tropical waters from QLD to WA
- Frequents coral reefs and adjacent sandy areas
- Solitary or in schools
- Carnivorous
- Good eating