Species ID
View AllHumphead Maori Wrasse
( Cheilinus undulatus )

Other names
Other names
Napoleon Wrasse, Maori Wrasse, Hump-headed Wrasse, Humphead Wrasse , Blue-tooth Groper, Double-headed Maori Wrasse, Giant Maori Wrasse, Giant Wrasse
How to Catch
Fast Facts
- CAUTION: Protected species
- Endangered
- Is the largest member of the family Labridae (wrasses)
- Can grow to 2.3m in length and nearly 200kg in weight
- Displays intricate lines on the face and chest
- Develops prominent lump on forehead with age
- Protogynous Sequential hermaphrodites. Like many of the wrasses, they begin life as female and change to male as they age
- Frequents coral reef environments
- Found in Australia’s tropical waters from QLD to WA
- Occurs solitary or in small groups
- Popular among divers