Species ID
View AllSilver Toadfish
( Lagocephalus sceleratus )

Other names
Other names
North-west Blowfish, Nor-west Blowie, Silver-cheeked Toadfish , Giant Toadfish, Giant Toado, Silver Pufferfish, Silver-stripe Pufferfish
How to Catch
Fast Facts

- CAUTION: Poisonous
- Belong to the family Tetraodontidae (pufferfish, toadfish, blowfish)
- Can grow to 1.1m in length
- Puff up when threatened
- Large dangerous teeth that could easily take a chunk out of a hand
- Found in Australia’s tropical and temperate waters from NSW north around to SA
- Unwelcome by-catch when targeting other species
- Can be solitary or in large schools