Species ID
View AllSouthern School Whiting
( Sillago bassensis )

Other names
Other names
Western School Whiting, Western School Sillago, Bass Strait Whiting, Red Spot Whiting, School Whiting, Silver Whiting, Transparent Whiting, Trawl Whiting, Weedy Whiting
How to Catch
Fast Facts
- Is a member of the family Sillaginidae (whitings and sand-smelts)
- Can grow to 36cm in length
- Lives for around 10 years
- Lacks the dark blotch at base of pectoral fin as seen in the Western School Whiting (Sillago vittata)
- Frequents sandy substrates in coastal waters and estuaries
- Found in Australia’s temperate waters from WA to VIC
- Occurs in small to large schools
- Target with small hooks and small pieces of squid, prawn or red meat
- Good eating