Species ID
View AllStripey Snapper
( Lutjanus carponotatus )

Other names
Spanish Flag, Spanish Flag Snapper, Stripey Seaperch, Striped Seaperch, Dusky-striped Sea-perch, Gold-banded Sea Perch, Gold-stripe Sea-perch, Stripey
How to Catch
Fast Facts

- Is a member of the family Lutjanidae (tropical snappers and seaperches)
- Can grow to 50cm in length and 2kg in weight
- Lives for at least 20 years
- Distinguishing black spot at the base of the pectoral fins
- More commonly known as Spanish Flag
- Found in Australia’s warmer waters from QLD to WA
- Frequents coral reef environments and adjacent sandy areas
- Often in schools
- Carnivorous
- Good eating