Species ID
View AllSnook
( Sphyraena novaehollandiae )

Other names
Pike, Australian Barracuda, Seapike, Short Finned Barracuda, Short Finned Sea Pike, Shortfin Pike, Shortfinned Pike
How to Catch
Fast Facts
- Is a member of the family Sphyraenidae (barracudas)
- Can grow to 1m in length and 5kg in weight
- Found in Australia’s temperate waters from NSW to WA
- Frequents bays, inshore reefs and open water
- Swims near the surface to mid-water
- Often solitary or in small schools
- Carnivorous
- Will readily take fish baits (such as pilchards/mulies) and lures
- Sharp teeth will bite light mono quite easily
- Good eating